LT 7100 – Design Performance/Instructional Design

The process of creating the task analysis, content chunking, evaluations, roll-out planning, and prototyping allowed me to apply the skills being taught about eLearning in LT 7100 and LT 8000. Working with a team while applying these skills and creating deliverables showed me what instructional design would be like in a working environment.

Creating the task analysis taught me how to break down complex tasks into easily digestible steps. Content chunking expanded upon those steps and how they would interact with assessments for the learner to best comprehend the material. Development of the evaluations along with the stepped roll-out plan allowed me to identify areas of improvement, ensuring the training remained relevant to the end-user goals. The prototype screenshot creation portion of the project brought home how intricate an eLearning experience is and the many pieces that need to be thought of in terms of UI/UX.

WordPress Training Prototype

Georgia Southern University currently offers training for editors of their WordPress sites exclusively through a synchronous hour-and-a-half training. Our goal was to create a training that users can go through at their own pace and fit between their other work tasks. At the end of the training, users should be confident of their skills in editing a university WordPress site and be able to complete simple text editing tasks.

Launch Training Module (new tab)
